Invisalign Ferryhill
Every day more and more people are interested in orthodontic treatment with clear aligners to achieve an aesthetic smile, if you are one of them we invite you to read on as we will explain the advantages and other details of this modern treatment. Contact Westmount Invisalign Ferryhill at 01740 651124 or email us at to learn more
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a state-of-the-art orthodontic system consisting of removable plastic aligners used to correct alterations in the position of teeth and dental malocclusions. Its main characteristics are that they are transparent and customized, in other words, they are made to fit the teeth and the arch of each patient.
Another factor to highlight is its 3D software that allows the pre-visualization of the results with an accuracy of more than 90%, which is of great help to plan the treatment and to have a fairly approximate idea of its duration. Contact Westmount Teeth Straightening Ferryhill at 01740 651124 or email us at to learn more.
Is it right for me?
First of all, in order for our dentists to determine if it is a suitable treatment for you, they must perform a thorough evaluation of your teeth and the malocclusion you present, for this they will perform diagnostic imaging studies, intra and extra oral photos, models of your bite, among others.
Among the different bite problems that we can correct with the use of Invisalign are: dental malposition, rotated teeth (on its longitudinal axis), teeth tilted forward or backward, mild to moderate crowding, diastemas (spaces between neighboring teeth), etc. Contact Westmount Invisalign Ferryhill at 01740 651124 or email us at to learn more
Invisalign vs. fixed braces
Although plastic splints and conventional orthodontics have certain differences, the truth is that both have the same purpose, and one is not better than the other, but rather each has its advantages. That is why the criteria for choosing between one treatment or the other should be based on the type and complexity of the malposition presented by the patient, their esthetic preferences and economic possibilities, in addition, of course, to the dentist’s criteria.
Among the characteristics to be highlighted we have:
-Invisalign, being a removable splint, does not adhere to the teeth but wraps around them, making it a practical system that can be easily removed. In contrast, fixed braces are bonded with cement to the tooth surface (if this cement is not properly removed at the end of treatment, it can cause injury and damage to the enamel).
-The fact that clear aligners can be removed for brushing and flossing makes them a very convenient and comfortable option for the patient to wear. On the other hand, the impossibility of removing conventional orthodontics at the time of dental cleaning may favor the accumulation of food debris between the teeth, which in turn can lead to the development of decay and/or periodontal disease.
-Being transparent, Invisalign is the most aesthetic and discreet option, contrasting considerably with fixed orthodontics, which consists of braces (usually metal braces), archwire, ligatures and bands.
-Since Invisalign is made of plastic material, the patient does not have to worry about suffering soft tissue injuries such as sores, a situation that does occur with orthodontics with metal braces due to friction.
-Since the Invisalign system is a modern treatment that uses the most advanced technology and equipment, its cost is higher than that of fixed braces.
Contact Westmount Teeth Straightening Ferryhill at 01740 651124 or email us at to learn more.
With this treatment you will be able to:
-Get a correct dental occlusion, that is, that the teeth are aligned and in their correct position and that there is a good bite relationship between the teeth of the upper arch with those of the lower arch.
-Restore chewing function, which in turn allows for better digestion of food.
-Avoid further wear of the structure of the teeth due to premature contact and crowding.
-Obtain an aesthetic, beautiful and above all healthy smile, which will directly reflect on your self-esteem and self-perception.
-Improve the phonation of words.
-Treat those headaches or neck pains that are a consequence of dental malocclusions (the pain in the facial muscles will diminish or disappear).
-In addition, we remind you that it is the most aesthetic and discreet option.
Contact Westmount Invisalign Ferryhill at 01740 651124 or email us at to learn more
Invisalign Costs
In general terms we could say that the price is around £2,500 – £5,500 approximately, but keep in mind that this is a factor that varies depending on the complexity of the malocclusion presented by each patient and the number of splints that will be required.
It should also be noted that the cost is closely related to the type of technology and equipment used, and this is a state-of-the-art system.
Contact Westmount Teeth Straightening Ferryhill at 01740 651124 or email us at to learn more.
Invisalign Process
As mentioned above, Invisalign treatment consists of correcting the position and alignment of the teeth by means of removable splints, bringing them into a position that allows correct chewing function, corrects the aesthetics of the smile and achieves balanced contacts with a good distribution of forces.
The treatment time and the number of splints to be used varies from patient to patient, but normally each set of splints is used for 2 weeks. Therefore, it should be taken into account that although each splint used is adapted to the dental arch, it is always different from the previous one.
Another important point to note is that in order to achieve effective and timely treatment the patient should wear the aligners for as many hours as possible during the day (between 20-22 hours).
Contact Westmount Teeth Straightening Ferryhill at 01740 651124 or email us at to learn more.
Why Westmount Invisalign Ferryhill clinic?
We assure you that being under the care of a dentist with the required knowledge and experience, and following a proper treatment plan you will get that smile you long for. And keep in mind that one of the most important factors to achieve the desired results is to have a highly trained professional and we have them here!
In our office we follow the highest quality standards when performing any treatment so that our patients feel comfortable, safe and well cared for. We also have the latest generation equipment to always offer the most modern and trendy treatments.
Contact Westmount Invisalign Ferryhill at 01740 651124 or email us at to learn more
Our results
As mentioned above, the duration of orthodontic treatment with Invisalign varies from patient to patient, ranging from a few months to one or two years. In our dental clinic we have achieved results in little more than six months in those patients with mild crowding and/or rotations. In cases of moderately complex malocclusions the time can range from twelve to eighteen months. However, in more severe cases (when the patient has a cross or open bite, or it is required to close spaces due to missing teeth, etc.) the duration can be up to 2 years.
If you are thinking of starting a treatment with clear aligners, we hope this information has been useful for you, and if you think that this latest generation treatment is the best option for you, do not hesitate to contact us, our team of professionals will be happy to assist you!
Contact Westmount Teeth Straightening Ferryhill at 01740 651124 or email us at to learn more.