Composite bonding Esh Winning

Composite Bonding treatment in Esh Winning

Composite bonding or composite veneers is a highly demanded cosmetic treatment offered in our dental practice to provide aesthetic and functional solutions to your dental problems.

Here at Westmount Composite bonding Esh Winning, we take pride in our cosmetic procedures and results. Whether you have stained, decayed, or chipped teeth, composite bonding could be the perfect alternative to restore your smile.

What is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding is a cosmetic treatment where your teeth receive a tooth-coloured material called composite to improve their appearance while restoring the lost function.


A dental composite is a resin compound, typically made from a mixture of plastic and fine mineralised glass particles, sculpted and polished to perfectly match its surrounding tissues. Then, we use a bonding agent to adhere it to your teeth and a specialised curing light to harden it. Contact Westmount Composite bonding Esh Winning by emailing us at to get free consultation about Composite bonding.


Indications and Applications

Due to its natural look and versatility, composite bonding is used in numerous situations. Sometimes, we use it to repair and restore teeth damaged from decay, erosion, stains, chippings, and fractures. But we can also use composite bonding to enhance your appearance when you have gaps between your teeth or minor anatomic and alignment problems.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are custom-made cosmetic treatments manufactured outside our dental practice to perfectly fit your teeth. Veneers are thin shells designed to cover the front surface of your teeth to improve your appearance.

Veneers are primarily used for cosmetic purposes and as a solution when your teeth are stained, worn, chipped, or misaligned. Also, they offer a long-lasting and aesthetic solution to fix your smile.

The veneer process involves several steps, including the following:


  • Preparing your teeth, removing a thin layer of enamel from your tooth surface to allow space for your veneers.
  • Taking a dental impression to replicate your tooth preparation and send it to the dental laboratory.
  • Confection and manufacturing of your custom-made final veneers, and
  • Adjustment and placement, fixing your veneers with a specialized bonding agent.

Is Composite Bonding Right for Me?

One of the most crucial aspects to consider when deciding to have a composite bonding are your aesthetic goals and specific dental needs. Although dental veneers and composite bonding have similar cosmetic purposes, they have distinct benefits and detriments.

A complete examination and a personalised assessment can help determine whether you need one alternative.

Candidate Criteria

You must have healthy teeth and gums to receive a composite bonding treatment. Our ideal candidates are patients with minor cosmetic issues, such as chips, gaps, discolourations, or mild decay, rather than significant damage to their teeth structure.

Consultation and Evaluation

You will need a complete and comprehensive evaluation to assess your current health, discuss your goals, and trace a treatment plan. Also, we might require some additional tests, such as X-rays and digital imaging.

Composites vs Porcelain Veneers

Durability and Longevity

The average lifespan of a porcelain veneer is approximately 15 years or more with the appropriate care. Composite bonding, on the other hand, may last around 5 to 10 years with excellent oral hygiene and maintenance. Both options are highly influenced by your hygiene, diet, and oral habits, such as teeth grinding and bruxism.

Cost and Accessibility

Generally, composite bonding is more affordable than porcelain veneers. Though having veneers can represent a considerable investment, you might value their durability and aesthetic results. However, composite bonding can provide a cost-effective solution for minor cosmetic improvements.


Enamel preservation


The main difference between these treatments is that veneers require wearing down a layer of tooth enamel. Although composite bonding requires surface preparation, it is a more conservative alternative, preserving your natural tooth intact.

Composite Bonding Benefits

Composite bonding has numerous benefits, making it a trending treatment alternative for many patients who seek to improve their appearance. Here are some of its most prominent advantages:


  • Great aesthetic improvements
  • Functional Benefits
  • Low maintenance
  • Tooth enamel preservation
  • Cost-effective and quick procedure


How Much Does a Composite Bonding Cost?

Factors Influencing Cost

  • Amount of teeth: more pieces mean a higher cost.
  • Material and expertise: the materials, labels, and professional expertise can affect your treatment’s cost. Higher quality materials and an experienced professional usually imply a higher cost but better results.
  • Additional Procedures: some patients require decay removal, pulp capping, and other additional dental procedures that may increase the final budget.

Insurance and Financing Options

When your dental treatment is deemed medically necessary, your insurance company usually covers a portion of the cost of your treatment. However, at Westmount Dental, we offer numerous financing options to make your composite bonding more accessible. Contact Westmount Composite bonding Esh Winning by emailing us at to get free consultation about Composite bonding.


Composite Fillings Process at Composite bonding Esh Winning

Following, you have a step-by-step process to help you understand and prepare for the treatment:


  • Initial Consultation: we will perform a comprehensive examination and complementary tests and create a customised treatment plan.
  • Tooth preparation: we use chemical compounds to create microscopic pores to allow a biomechanical bonding.
  • Bonding: we use a specialised dental bonding agent to fix the composite to your teeth.
  • Composite shaping and moulding: we apply a tooth-coloured dental composite over the surface of your teeth and then harden it with a curing light.
  • Polishing and finishing: finally, we trim excesses and polish the surface to provide an unnoticeable finish.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Aftercare is essential with composite bonding to maintain the results.

You must maintain good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing while avoiding harmful habits such as biting hard objects, clenching your teeth, and eating staining foods.

You can also contact Westmount Composite bonding Esh Winning by emailing us at to get free consultation about Composite bonding for more information or to book your FREE  consultation where we can discuss all the options with you and give you all information you need before you make a decision.

Why Choose Composite bonding Esh Winning Clinic?


  • Quality and Safety Standards: Westmount adheres to the highest UK healthcare standards, providing safe and efficacious treatment.
  • High quality materials and strict protocols: our clinics adhere to the highest materials in the market and conscientious procedures.
  • Comprehensive Aftercare: our team provides continuous care and support throughout the process, improving success and long-term health.
  • Convenient Follow-Ups: frequent follow-ups are essential for monitoring progress, which is more convenient with a close professional team.

You can also contact Westmount Composite bonding Esh Winning by emailing us at to get free consultation about Composite bonding for more information or to book your FREE  consultation where we can discuss all the options with you and give you all information you need before you make a decision.

Book your FREE consultation

Book in for your FREE consultation and find out how we can give you your perfect smile.